Sunday, July 4, 2010


搬家已经有一个星期了,但还是没有很适应新的家。还没有买自己的房子,所以一家人跟爸的同事一起住,便租她的房子,又大又旧,水涩的,有时候马桶冲水还不太好使。。。房东阿姨还比较唠叨,一见面就说个不停,就当我们一家人一起吃晚饭的时候也会这样。。。到现在我们托搬家公司搬的那些东西都还没有到,我和妹妹两个人挤在一个double bed上睡觉,难受死了。因为还没有满十八岁,展示还不能在爸的实验室开始工作,下个星期才能动手。一天到晚在家里闲着,无所事事:睡懒觉,上网,看书,吃,等死。生活真的非常无乐。本来还期待着这个暑假能见一些体重,可是一点消耗能力的方式也没有。。。 还有一点就是,我和耐我的家人,但在一起时间过多就会有很多精神上的压力。这一点朋友们能够体谅吧? 真心的盼望八月能快点到来。
- 愔

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Now it's my turn

I'm in Madison now, after many months of not being in Madison, which I never thought I'd miss. In that time of being at Williams so long, I have many built up resentments.

So, are there things I want to rant about? Yes!

Williams sucks because it's so isolated.

Williams sucks because it's so damn small.

Williams sucks because Williamstown is so damn small and offers nothing, really.

Williams sucks because of the pervasive drinking culture and lack of intellectual thought.

And I can't think of anymore right now.

But I've also been in Madison for a few weeks already, so I still have some things I don't like about my stay here:

Madison's bus fare keeps growing and growing; a solution is to correlate the rate of fare increase/decrease with the IQ of the average Tea Partier.

Madison is still full of people I dislike from high school and middle school, so I am always in constant fear that I'll bump into them.

I can't get into my fucking house! That's a biggie.

My library card is in my fucking house! So I can't check stuff out!! Argh!

However, I do like the apartment I'm in right now. It's spacious and has a really large bed, and since I like to move around a lot while sleeping, it's very comfortable. And I get high-speed internet so I can get on facebook and go to discussion boards and spent 6 straight hours arguing with TOTAL DUMBASSES about politics and race and the like.

Conservatives are TOTAL DUMBASSES because:

They can't argue with reason and refuse to look at facts.

No matter how much you present logic and facts to them, they will suddenly go off-topic or twist your words to fit their nonsensical argument.

They make up lies and believe them.

They refuse to give Obama credit for anything and attack him for everything.

They're hypocrites and they don't know it. They don't want the government to tax them or intervene in any part of their lives (such as health care), except they want the government to intervene in a woman's right to choose, the right for anybody to get married, and to wiretap people for "national security."

That is all for MY rantings today. Thank you for reading.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

yay new blog!

Yay new blog! So I guess now in addition to calling/texting/video-chatting we can use this. Um si I guess I will just rant about some things on my mind:

1. I can't go to Singapore T_T. So during the two-week project in Malaysia, the weekend in-between was scheduled for the group to take a trip to Singapore together. Unfortunately, it took kind of a while for me to realize a). that we were going to Singapore for the weekend; and b). that Singapore was its own country that requires a visa to for entry = =. So now it is too late to get a visa (it takes 5-10 days) and I fail at life once again. I don't know what I'm going to do if I'm the only one out of the 20 or so people who won't be able to go to Singapore. Actually, I was thinking it wouldn't be too bad to spend the weekend at the beach on the Southwest coast on my own (hopefully with one or two other people who are in the same boat as me...?), which is only about 10 miles away =D. On Google Earth, the ocean looks soooo blue! Although I might have to figure out room & board on my own. So we'll see where my blunder takes me this time >_>.

There were a few other things I had in mind before but I can't remember them now... well I will be leaving next Thursday afternoon and flying for 27 hours and then I will be 12 hours ahead of you bahahaha.

Ooh one more thing: check this out if you ever want to learn more about how messed up Chinese society is these days, people making public spectacles and all. *smh* It can be wonderful to read about though. In the future I'll probably have select posts to comment on more extensively.

Signing off,